IT-OT Cybersecurity Convergence Workshop - People and Processes

Industrial companies are exploring IT-OT cybersecurity convergence as a way to address major cybersecurity challenges like lack of resources, sophisticated attacks, and the growing security risks of digital transformation.  But many are struggling to identify the most appropriate model of people, process, and technology convergence for their organization.  They want to understand what peers are doing and the benefits of different approaches.

The goal of this workshop is to help end users understand what peers are doing with respect to IT-OT cybersecurity people and processes convergence.  This is accomplished through a moderated discussion among end users who will address some of the major challenges and lessons learned in their efforts to converge cybersecurity teams, security policies, and program governance.  Session attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in the discussion through polls and questions to the panelists.

Leaders and decisionmakers in IT, automation, operations, product development, business improvement, and city planning can all benefit from this program.  They will gain a solid understanding of IT-OT cybersecurity convergence challenges and actions they can take to ensure a smooth integration of their own cybersecurity programs.

S3: 3:00 PM Track 4 (Oceans 11)