Guest blog posts must follow these guidelines:
- We request original content only please.
- Approved guest blogs will be posted to
- All guest blogs are non-commercial, with no product references, product promotion, or company promotion (see caveat in the bullet below). Appropriate topics for guest blogs include (but are not limited to) insights into relevant industrial business and/or technology challenges, thought leadership, a future vision for Industrial IoT, etc.
- Guest bloggers should include a short bio (70 words max.) for the foot of their blog. Company descriptions and links to company websites may be included in the bio.
- ARC always retains editorial control of guest blog content, including the blogger's bio. If ARC wants to edit your blog or bio we will seek your approval for those edits before we post. Ultimately, however, if we are unable to agree on the content for the blog and bio, ARC reserves the right not to post your blog.
- ARC retains control over the timing of guest blog posts. Once we finalize the content of your blog, ARC will provide an estimate of the timing for posting your guest blog. We will also notify you when your blog is posted. Please do not include time-dependent information in your blog post.
- There are no charges/fees for guest blogging.
- Guest blogs and bios should be submitted by email to the analyst who has invited you to blog, unless otherwise noted.
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