ARC works closely with both suppliers and users of technology in the high-tech industry such as electronics, medical devices, and semiconductors. ARC covers top technology trends in the High Tech & Medical Devices industries on an ongoing basis. Please visit Technology Evaluation and Selection Guides page for recent ARC research reports.

High Tech & Medical Devices Relevant Topics
High Tech & Medical Devices Relevant Topics
Examples of topics covered are: architectures and technology platforms, operating systems, middleware, databases, portals, business processes, and workflow engines. ARC analysts are the industry experts in all areas of automation and infrastructure for Industry. Our domains of special interest to high tech companies includes:
- Anti-Counterfeiting and Brand Protection Technologies
- Asset Information Management Systems
- Collaborative Production Management Systems
- Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
- Enterprise Asset Management and Field Service Management
- Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence
- Plant Asset Management Systems
- Product Lifecycle Management
- Quality, Risk, and Compliance Management Systems
- Supply Chain Planning, Execution and Management Systems
- Warehouse Management Systems
- Wireless Devices
Representative End User Clients