Cloud computing for Industrial Applications offers significant business benefits to manufacturing operations and IT. With the low cost of entry, shifting cost to an expense budget (rather than capital budget), limited corporate IT resources, and other benefits are all leading to rapid industry adoption.
For industrial companies, however, there are some additional considerations. Control of the IT infrastructure for applications is with the service provider. This issue is particularly important with industrial applications where there is typically a high degree of integration. This requires an agreement for orderly application upgrades to keep the integration links intact.
Who owns the data is another consideration. Be sure to establish ownership upfront. Sometimes, a new application being considered for acquisition is viewed to be high risk. Perhaps you are unsure of the achievable financial benefits or the technology itself. Cloud computing can reduce the upfront financial costs and mitigate the risk.
There are more choices than ever in technology, techniques, deployment architectures, and service providers. Choosing the best path forward for your particular circumstances is a daunting task and one you will need advice for. That is where ARC steps in. Our analysts follow all aspects of cloud computing technology for Industry and Infrastructure. If you are faced with a strategic decision, and want to know the best practices, leading solutions or current issues, then you need to engage with ARC.
The industrial sector will not be immune to these transformational changes in computing. Staid industrial companies will adapt to the emerging environment, and they will use their considerable influence to ensure that their security requirements and other needs will be met along the way on the journey to the cloud. But they will also be delighted to discover more and more really compelling use cases that they never even considered!
The agility and ease of consumption of cloud computing has enabled many use cases that weren't even considered in the past because of the difficulty, time, and expense involved in provisioning the computing resources. Now this growth is driving server shipments. Please visit market analysis page for recent ARC research related to Cloud Computing for Industrial Applications.