Driving Digital Transformation with Advanced Asset Management

Identifying and addressing problems before they occur improves organizational effectiveness, and ultimately, customer and partner satisfaction. Digital transformation in all forms is particularly important and valuable in advanced asset management solutions.

Leveraging Industrial IoT (IIoT ), edge computing, analytics, and machine learning have opened new opportunities for improving a wide range of maintenance functions across industries.

Assessing asset condition and performance with predictive maintenance and predictive analytics helps to reduce, and often prevent, unplanned downtime and improve asset reliability. Intelligent, data-driven maintenance extends the scope to include real-time information from assets using smart sensors and edge devices.

In this session, we will share asset management best practices and success stories to help drive improvements in factors contributing to productivity, efficiencies, revenues, profitability, and return on assets (ROA) goals.

Wednesday PM
S4: 4 PM Track 3 (Oceans 12)