What Do Digital Transformation Leaders Do Differently and Why?

The last few years have been challenging, certainly. During this time characterized by disruption and business uncertainty, one thing has become crystal clear, if it wasn’t already: digital transformation is mission critical to the short- and long-term health and viability of industrial, infrastructure, and smart city organizations. Every industrial company was forced to transform, at least to some degree, out of sheer necessity. Some did it better than others. The consensus is that many of these changes will simply become permanent.

An additional outcome of the last few years was the identification and emergence of a distinct business cohort: digital transformation leaders. These organizations had many key elements in place prior to the pandemic, and they used them to accelerate the gap between themselves and their competitors. It’s time to take stock to see what digital transformation leadership looks like. How can these now-validated approaches to problem solving be applied to transform business operations and competitive strategies, improve resilience, reduce costs, and responding faster to customer and market demand?

Join an esteemed group of industrial visionaries to discuss what digital transformation leadership entails. Topics covered will include:

  • Market Signals: How market leaders understand their customers and markets and use that to drive business transformation.
  • Software: How to consider software as a competitive advantage and what that means for industrial companies that need to consume it.  
  • People and Knowledge: Why digital transformation is a battle for talent and expertise, enabled by technology, and what that implies for organizational makeup.
  • Business at the Speed of Machines: What roles humans and technology are best suited to do to accelerate business responsiveness and competitive excellence.
Wednesday AM
S1: 8:30 AM General (Oceans 5-8)