Following is a partial list of the executives speaking at the forum.
Speaker Job Title Company Forum Sessions
Peter van Dam Asset Performance Management Lead Suiker Unie Do Your Digital Transformation Plans Align with Your Business Improvement Goals?
David Van Dorselaer Industry Solutions GM for Manufacturing AT&T Business AT&T Business Workshop: Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Manufacturers
Sid Verma Global Head and VP, IoT for Siemens Cities Siemens Smart City Project Best Practices
Ron Victor CEO IoTium IoT Network Edge Infrastructure and Devices, IoTium Breakfast: A Secure Approach to Digital Transformation for the Enterprise
Gregory Villano Sr. Maritime Cyber Security ICS Engineer Moran Cyber The Converging Worlds of Safety and Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity and Safety Convergence Workshop
Ganesh Wadawadigi Chief Solution Expert, Blockchain for Supply Chain SAP Blockchain Emerges in Process Manufacturing – Here’s What You Need to Know
Anne-Marie Walters Industry Marketing Director Bentley Systems Drones for Industry and Cities
John Wassick Integrated Supply Chain Technology Fellow Dow Chemical Digital Transformation Overview: Innovation and Exponential Progress
Matthew Wells Vice President, Digital Product Management GE Digital IT/OT Convergence: Linking Legacy to an Industrial IoT World, Part 2
Bruce Welty Chairman Locus Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Come of Age
Tyler Wolfe Director & Solutions Architect Framebridge Autonomous Mobile Robots Come of Age
Doug Wylie Director, Industrials & Infrastructure Portfolio SANS Institute The State of Cybersecurity in Industry, Infrastructure, and Cities Workshop, Cybersecurity and Safety Convergence Workshop, Fake I/O: Affecting Level 0/1 Data in Industrial Control Systems
Perry Zalevsky Senior Director, Industry & Community OSIsoft Real-time Operational Data Design Considerations, Transforming Data into Value
Marcello Zoppetti Head of Electronic & Software Engineering Italpresse IT/OT/ET Convergence