Managing Ransomware and Supply Chain Cybersecurity Risks

Ransomware and supply chain attacks have become major challenges for industrial cybersecurity teams.   Nation states and cybercriminals see industrial companies as targets that will likely pay large ransoms to avoid the enormous costs of operational disruptions.  They also recognize that industrial companies have large, complex supply chains of trusted equipment and software suppliers.  A successful compromise of one of these suppliers provides trusted access to many different industrial facilities.   

This session will begin with an ARC overview of the challenges in managing ransomware and supply chain attacks.  Following ARC's presentation, a panel of expert defenders will offer their insights and recommendations for what end users should be doing to manage these risks. The floor will then be opened for session attendees to share their thoughts and ideas. 

This information will be of benefit to owner-operators and suppliers of industrial cybersecurity solutions.  

Monday PM
S3: 2 PM Tracks 3 & 4 (Oceans 12 & 11)