On May 16th and 17th 2017, ARC Advisory Group hosted its European Industry Forum (EIF) in the Meliã Hotel Sitges in Spain. The European Industry Forum is part of ARC’s successful series of worldwide conferences in the USA, India, China, and Japan.
The forum featured a presentation by Antoine Snyman of metal producer Lonmin on “Asset Performance Measurement : An OEE Conceptual Design and Implementation on a Continuous Process.”
Asset Performance Measurement
The decreasing price of Platinum group metals (PGM) combined with the increase in demand for platinum is placing immense pressure on producers and is forcing these producers to turn their attention to more effective operations. Asset performance measurement is a concept which has not enjoyed as much attention in the mining industry as in, for example, the automobile industry and this gap leaves room for improvement in the mining industry.
The presented study examines asset performance measurement in the mining industry with special focus on the continuous processing environments and suggests a conceptual model based on OEE principles which can be used in the industry to measure asset performance. A new method for the measurement of quality is discussed and other metrics have been developed and included. The model was tested and verified across seven concentrators with actual data collected over a period of two and a half years where after model was then developed, integrated and implemented as a module on the existing MES solution. This presentation will discuss the model, the data verification as well as the development and implementation of the solution at a major platinum producer in South Africa.
In May 2018, ARC will host its European Industry Forum (EIF) again. For further details, please contact your Client Manager or email ablech@arcweb.com.