The Future of Power Generation

Electric grids worldwide have a goal of carbon free power generation. Coal is being replaced by gas which is being replaced by solar, wind, and batteries (SWB), and many other technologies are vying for a role. Some of the options are Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), nuclear technology like the Small Modular Reactor (SMR), grid energy storage technologies, and the creation of a new generation, storage, and distribution hydrogen infrastructure. Hydrogen is viewed as essential to electrify industrial processes like steel, cement, and ammonia. Utility customers will need to play a much more interactive role in the future with scheduled EV charging and bidirectional power flow. This forum session will bring you close to the action for new grid technology, new grid automation, the changing regulations, and the economic forces that are shaping the most complex machine mankind has created - The Electric Grid.

Wednesday AM
S2: 10:30 AM Track 5 (Oceans 10)