Chandra is passionate about U.S. manufacturing. As CEO of MxD, she uses that passion and her more than 25 years of experience in manufacturing to help American manufacturers seize the potential offered by new and emerging digital technologies. At MxD, Chandra oversees all technology investment, partner relationships and project execution for the more than $90 million dollar portfolio of advanced manufacturing technology, cybersecurity and workforce development research, development, and demonstration. Manufacturing has always been at the center of Chandra’s work and her experience has allowed her to know the industry from a variety of perspectives. As the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Manufacturing at the U.S. Department of Commerce, she promoted U.S. businesses worldwide, worked to remove trade barriers, and strengthen U.S. competitiveness. As the CEO of United Streetcar, Chandra led the company to become the first U.S. manufacturer to create a modern streetcar in more than 60 years. Chandra has consistently worked to strengthen American manufacturing through innovative, forward-thinking, well-executed strategies.