How to Build an Industrial Workforce for a Digital World

The changes that digital transformation will have on the workforce are likely to be the most far-reaching and sustained effects.  Not only will digital transformation change the number of people needed to do work, it will rewrite how that work gets done.  As such, those planning or going through digital transformation quickly realize that managing the human element successfully can be the most difficult aspect of the journey. 

This session will bring together a wealth of viewpoints to discuss the changing nature of work in an increasingly digital world.  Billy Bardin, Global Digitalization Director, Dow and Chandra Brown, CEO of MxD, will outline manufacturing workforce trends and how industrial companies are preparing for the hyper-connected next generation worker.   Jim Leach, Factory Manager, John Deere Harvester Works, will discuss the intersection of smart connected factories and COVID-19 and how the company responded to the challenges and opportunities for the workforce when the pandemic hit. 

After the presentations, a panel will come together to answer key questions about how industrial companies are using an ecosystem approach to solving workforce issues.  Panelists will include Sandra Parker from Dow, Liz Stuck of MxD, and Nilanjan Banerjee, who will deliver a higher-education perspective from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. 

S3: 3:00 PM Track 3 (Oceans 12)