ARC Europe

Since 1999, ARC has established its European headquarters in Dusseldorf, Germany.  ARC has several offices across Europe, located throughout Germany, Belgium, and France.  ARC European analysts cover a wide range of topics including Industrie 4.0, smart machinery, sensors, automation, plant and enterprise software. 

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Future Automation Architectures

Hydrogen Generation

ARC Europe Viewpoints

Stefan Miksch — Industry Trends

Machine Tools in the Cloud with Siemens’ MindApps

Machine tools manufacturers today are faced with a changing world. They have to face the fact that cloud platforms will play an important role and they have to decide which cloud platforms they want to offer and use with their equipment. One of the challenges is that there are already numerous cloud offerings on the market from automation suppliers as well as from some machine tool builders themselves.
Constanze Schmitz — Company and Product News

Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2018

Under the motto: Connect, Communicate, Create, the Emerson Global User exchange 2018 in The Hague’s World Forum in the Netherlands attracted 1600 atte

Fabian Wanke — Industry Trends

Open Source and UIC @ Embedded World

The Embedded World trade fair, held in Nuremberg, Germany has become the world’s largest show for the embedded community. While the embedded market is fragmented into thousands of different application areas, the focus on automation has grown in recent years, as the IIoT is picking up pace and automation suppliers put more and more intelligence into their field and edge devices. For the developer community, especially in the embedded world, the open source idea has long been a golden rule. Increasingly, this approach is now entering the traditionally conservative automation industry and was discussed in depth at the fair.