The Wireless Sensors for Buildings and Facilities market research study delivers current market analysis plus a five year market and technology forecast. The study is available in multiple editions including worldwide, all regions, and most major countries.
This report encompasses the global market for wireless sensors for building and facilities. The market analysis in this report addresses wireless sensors that are used for switching and measuring applications in the building automation system and excludes industrial applications. ARC has categorized wireless sensors into eight different sensor types including surveillance and image, temperature, pressure, humidity, vibration, level, flow, and motion and position. This report includes revenues derived from shipments of these wireless sensor technologies.
Each year new product introductions provide higher value driving investments in new building management equipment or automation systems. Features are incorporated to control building operations more precisely, improve functionalities, reduce energy consumption, expand operational visibility, increase building safety, and provide contextualized and time-relevant information to improve building management operational decisions.
Wireless technologies enable faster and, in many cases, less expensive and intrusive deployment, which makes it especially attractive for retrofit applications where an existing network is not in place.
Due to the higher costs of wireless devices relative to wired devices in a building system and the need to implement a wireless network, going “wireless” clearly does not cut overall costs in half. Nevertheless, eliminating the high costs of wiring, combined with other potential cost benefits, such as ease of deployment, retrofitting applications, flexibility for future building changes, and network scalability, results in an attractive value proposition that helps spur adoption of wireless technologies in the building automation system market.
This report provides strategic market information and guidance for the wireless sensors market. The report addresses key questions, such as:
This market study may be purchased as an Excel Workbook and/or as a PDF File. The Workbook has some unique features such as the ability to view data in local currency. Regional studies include country and industry market data. Country studies include market trends and industry data. Studies and formats available are listed below:
Countries included in each region.
Table of contents for these studies is shown in the following paragraphs.
The research identifies all relevant suppliers serving this market.
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