The Solar Farm Monitoring and Control Systems market is adopting various control strategies to boost solar PV performance. Remote monitoring is becoming increasingly mainstream to improve solar performance. Cutting-edge diagnostics and predictive maintenance tools are leveraging the advantages of the integration of advanced SMC systems to maximize energy production and improve safety.
Hemanth Nirujog is an analyst specializing in energy and smart cities as part of ARC’s Enterprise Team, and he recently completed a market analysis report on Solar Farm Monitoring and Control Systems. He is with us to discuss the scope of the report, the trends, the inhibitors, the leading suppliers, and how the report will be beneficial to the clients.
The entire interview can be viewed here, and below are some salient points from the interview and the Solar Farm Monitoring and Control Systems report.
The initial question posed by ARC’s Leena Kanickaraj is “Can you brief us on the scope of this market analysis?’
Hemanth Nirujog - Thank you. Let me try to explain. The Solar Farm Monitoring and Control Systems Market Analysis report comprises solar inverters, data acquisition systems, string monitoring units, and other hardware including weather stations, data logs, cables, et cetera. Control systems are essential for the reliable, efficient, and safe functioning of solar farms. Some of the general software included is provided for solar monitoring and control systems. Supplier and application specific software are also included in the study.
Other areas covered in this fascinating interview include:
the supplier landscape for this market
the key growth or success factors
growth inhibiting factors of SFMCS report
recommend strategies to a buyer of a solar system
other key trends
how buyers, like a supplier or asset owner or service provider, of this study can benefit if they buy this report
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