The Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Isolation Valves and Actuators market research study delivers current market analysis plus a five year market and technology forecast. The study is available in multiple editions including worldwide, all regions, and most major countries.
This report serves as an effective planning guide for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) isolation valves and actuators suppliers and new entrants to the business.
ARC defines SIS isolation valve assemblies as an on-off type valve assembly employed as the final control element for an SIS process safety system. ARC witnessed a spike in investments to enhance overall plant safety in 2018. This trend was particularly prevalent in the chemical industry, especially across parts of North America and the Middle East. As part of the investments to enhance overall plant safety, many end users invested in replacing old actuators and switchboxes with new intelligent actuators and digital positioners that provide remote monitoring and diagnostics (partial stroke testing) capabilities. Demand was especially strong for SIS valves from greenfield projects in Asia with the expanding customer base in key industries such as chemical and refining.
Despite the strong market conditions seen in 2018, ARC anticipates slower growth over the next few years. Increasing economic uncertainty is expected to dampen SIS valve investments as another wave of tariffs unsettles the global markets. News of several key European markets warning of an impending recession has further unsettled the global markets. With the current mix of headwinds and tailwinds, the global SIS valves market is set to experience steady growth in both new and re-placement markets, through the forecast period of this report.
This report provides strategic market information and guidance for the worldwide SIS isolation valves and actuators marketplace. It helps answer strategic questions, such as:
This market study may be purchased as an Excel Workbook and/or as a PDF File. The Workbook has some unique features such as the ability to view data in local currency. Regional studies include country and industry market data. Country studies include market trends and industry data. Studies and formats available are listed below:
Countries included in each region.
Table of contents for these studies is shown in the following paragraphs.
The research identifies all relevant suppliers serving this market. Brief profiles of the leading suppliers are included.
List of countries & currencies included in each region: MIRA-Country
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