OPSWAT Workshop: Secure and Sustainable - Building OT Cybersecurity Maturity

Organizations across the board are dealing with budget cuts and staffing shortages. But OT security remains a necessity, and perhaps more than ever before with a rise in targeted attacks on OT and critical infrastructure over the past year. 

In this session, Pete Lund with OPSWAT, a global leader in critical infrastructure protection, and Sid Snitkin, VP Cybersecurity Advisory Services at ARC, will walk through each step of the ARC Cybersecurity Maturity Model and how organizations can strengthen their OT cyber defenses, starting with the asset visibility and management and securing transient devices. Pete will then address the challenges organizations face when trying to build cybersecurity maturity, how to overcome them through a comprehensive, defense-in-depth approach to OT security, and the best practices from industry experts.

Monday PM
S2b: 12:15 PM Track 4 (Oceans 11)