According to recent ARC Advisory Group research, the market for hydrogen electrolyzers is ready for significant growth as the market shift to renewable energy intensifies. ARC’s new research provides an insightful analysis of the emerging market for the manufacture and sales of commercial off-the-shelf dedicated hydrogen electrolyzers. This research focuses on the market for dedicated hydrogen electrolyzer systems and excludes electrolyzers for Chlor-Alkali processes which produce hydrogen as a byproduct. This report includes information on market size, growth, and key trends.
"The hydrogen economy is a vision, and its future is steeped in hype and enthusiasm that often lacks an accurate assessment of how hydrogen can compete. Electrolyzer suppliers are largely building a product for a green hydrogen market that does not yet exist at scale. There is an uncomfortably wide range of market estimates for the hydrogen electrolyzer trajectory. Suppliers must be able to quantify the risks involved. At the heart of the uncertainty is the timing and extent of government policies and regulations that will create the hydrogen market," according to Rick Rys Director of Consulting and key author of ARC's Hydrogen Electrolyzers Emerging Market Analysis Research.
Hydrogen Electrolyzer Market Trends
In addition to providing detailed competitive market share data, the report also addresses key market trends as follows:
- Government Regulations and Policy
- Hype and Greenwashing Abound
- Trends in Standards
About the Hydrogen Electrolyzers Research
The Hydrogen Electrolyzers is an emerging market analysis which explores current and future market performance and related technology and business trends. The report includes a comprehensive list of suppliers active in the market along with a select number of supplier profiles. This new research is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive primary and secondary research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques. The research includes five-year market forecasts. The report segmentation includes Revenue Category, World Region, Overall Scope, Electrolyzer Type.
This new research is available in a variety of formats to meet the specific research and budgetary requirements of a wide variety of organizations. These include:
- MIRA Service: An annual subscription service that provides a unique online environment to each customer, together with all the necessary user interface apps and datasets. MIRA unlocks the full benefits of ARC’s time-tested market intelligence by leveraging the latest analytical tools and technologies to allow you to make more actionable, real-time business decisions. Interactive access to ARC’s qualitative analysis is displayed in context with up-to-date market data, allowing clients to develop customized views of the market to best suit their needs.
- Concise Market Analysis Report (PDF): This wide-screen presentation format provides executives, business unit managers, and other users with immediate access to in-depth market analysis, including analysis associated with every market data chart and figure. Included is an executive-level summary of the current market dynamics, five-year market forecast, and competitive analysis, plus an overview of strategic issues. The PDF is available with a comprehensive set of charts with associated analysis.
- Market Intelligence Workbook (Excel Power Pivot, sold with Market Analysis Report PDF): A standard Excel Workbook, including base year market data and a five-year market forecast. This workbook enables licensed users to freely manipulate data, making it easier to analyze the latest data for business intelligence and generate custom reports, including up to five years of historical analysis.
For more information on this and other available ARC market research, please visit our Market Analysis Services section.