Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced that two of its Group companies in China, Mitsubishi Electric (China) Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Electric Automation (China) Ltd., concluded a strategic partnership with the Instrumentation Technology and Economy Institute, P.R. China (ITEI), a research institute under the direct control of the Chinese Government, to promote standardized intelligent manufacturing under a cooperative relationship aimed at supporting the nation's Made in China 2025 program.
In 2015 the Chinese Government announced its Made in China 2025 roadmap to turn China into a global manufacturing powerhouse, and based on this policy the government launched the Intelligent Manufacturing Special Project of Year 2015 as a practical project. Mitsubishi Electric Group responded in 2017 by building its Smart Manufacturing Comprehensive Test Platform based on the company's e-F@ctory concept. The Smart Manufacturing Comprehensive Test Platform is designed to support standardized intelligent manufacturing under the ITEI-promoted Special Project. Government officials and Chinese customers have been visiting and studying the platform.
The strategic partnership will focus on promoting standardized intelligence manufacturing in a cooperative effort to support Made in China 2025. Mitsubishi Electric will continuously equip the Smart Manufacturing Comprehensive Test Platform with the company's latest FA components and technologies and verify the application of advanced technologies, such as edge computing and artificial intelligence (AI) for intelligent manufacturing. Through these efforts, the company expects to contribute to standardized intelligent manufacturing for wide use in China.