Take the survey and see instant results! : use QR Code or click this link: MES/MOM Manufacturing Operations Adoption Survey
ARC Advisory Group is conducting this survey to allow you to Benchmark your digital transformation as it applies to your Manufacturing Execution Systems Technology Journey with your peers. Industrial manufacturers are entering a period in which new digital technologies have the potential to augment people and processes to an unprecedented degree. New, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) include functionality that is embedded or integrated to other advanced digital technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR), robotics, digital twins, new Integration Platforms that use cybersecurity and standards, edge, Cloud and other IIoT enabled sensors and are changing how people work in the industry. MES maturity is based your plant/company's enterprise-wide usage of modern MES technologies.
Who Should Take this Survey?
Anyone involved in MES/MOM applications should consider taking this survey.
Privacy and Confidentiality
This survey requests information about your own experiences and observations. ARC will keep all individual responses confidential, and only aggregate information will be used in any reports.
Benefits of Participating
ARC thanks you very much in advance for taking this survey and looks forward to sharing the results with you, once the report has been published.
Please contact Janice Abel at jabel@arcweb.com if you have questions about this survey.