The Survey can be found at: Machine Tools Market Trends
Executive Summary
ARC Advisory Group is conducting research on "Machine Tools Market Trends" with a focus on digital solutions for end users. Digital transformation remains a top priority of most industrial companies, and that is only becoming more urgent as new disrupters emerge. In this particular survey, ARC is interested to learn how you, as an end user, address various topics regarding the use of machine tools. Our goal is to identify the status quo and the future developments related to the machine tools market and its transformation to more digitalization. To do so, we would like to include the voice of end users, and this survey is part of the process.
Who should take this Survey?
Ideally, you are working in the manufacturing industry, and you have direct or indirect experience with the use of machine tools in your respective production. We encourage managers and supervisors to forward the survey link to appropriate individuals within their organizations. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
The Benefits of taking the Survey.
After the survey is completed, all participants who leave their email address in the survey will receive the key survey results presented in aggregated form for free. You will be able to compare your practices with your peers in industry.
Your privacy is assured, and your identification will not be released to others. Your response is accumulated with others to chart the results. Only aggregated information is published.
Thank you for supporting our research!
If you have any questions about this survey or the study, please contact
The Survey can be found at: Machine Tools Market Trends