ARC’s European Industry Forum is part of our successful series of worldwide conferences in Europe, America and Asia. The next European Forum will be held in Sitges (Barcelona), Spain on May 6-8, 2024 and focus on “Managing Digital Transformation in the Age of AI, Open Architectures, and Sustainability”. Participants are invited to attend exclusive presentations and workshops on strategies and case studies from the digital front lines.
Are the Robots and AI Coming for Our Jobs?
With each new innovation in society, we see corresponding headlines and public concerns about how that innovation will be responsible for job loss. This has been true of the printing press, the automobile, and the computer – and any newspaper you open today likely has a similar story about automation, robots, or artificial intelligence.
Automation does not eliminate jobs, as some have feared; rather, it repurposes existing jobs and creates new ones. In his keynote address, “Are the Robots and AI Coming for Our Jobs? Separating Fact from Fiction about Automation and the Workforce”, Prabhu Soundarrajan, President of the International Society of Automation (ISA), will share use cases, statistics and talking points. Those can used next time these concerns are raised- whether in the boardroom or around the dinner table. Ultimately, automation depends on people – and the focus should be on preparing the workforce to meet the high and growing demand for engineers and technicians.
ARC’s European Industry Forum
Join us at ARC’s European Industry Forum to speed up your digitalization and sustainability initiatives with strategies and use cases from which technology end users and suppliers will benefit alike. Discover what your peers and industry leaders are doing today and what steps they are taking to prepare for the future.
For more information about attending, speaking, and sponsoring, please contact Ann-Kathrin Blech (mailto:ablech@arcweb.com).