A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. ARC has conducted numerous best practice surveys over the past thirty years and has developed best practices for a large number of topics of interest to industry executives.

Valentijn de Leeuw

O-PAS Integration with MTP: Vision Becomes Reality

At the NAMUR General Assembly, 23 and 24 November 2023, in Neuss, Germany, Don Bartusiak and Sean Peterson of CSI demonstrated the first integrated MTP–O-PAS application.
David Humphrey

SPS Fair 2023: Technology Trends

While Germany’s SPS fair hasn’t yet returned to its pre-pandemic size in terms of visitors and exhibitors, it still maintains its place as the number one discrete automation show in Europe.
Larry O'Brien

Saudi Arabia Operational Technology Cybersecurity Controls (OTCC) Explained

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) released its Operational Technology Cybersecurity Controls (OTCC) in 2022 as a comprehensive cybersecurity mandate to address the country’s own challenges in protecting its national critical infrastructure
Peter Manos and Michael Guilfoyle

AI, Energy Transition, and Industrial Sustainability

Industrial AI is a subset of the broader field of artificial intelligence (AI) and refers to the application of AI technologies in industrial settings to augment the workforce in pursuit of growth, profitability, more sustainable products and production processes, and operational excellence. Industrial AI leverages machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and fosters Industrial Sustainability.