Take the survey: use QR Code or
click here: Industrial Valve Digitalization Assessment Survey
Several industrial valve automation equipment suppliers and process control system providers are now developing digital hardware, software tools and services for valve operation digitalization. ARC Advisory Group is witnessing a gradual rise in the adoption rate of these valve digitalization enabling technology amongst owner-operators in process industries. ARC would like to help owner-operators assess where they are on their 'Digital Transformation Journey'. As part of this effort, we have developed the following survey to help us quantify the "adoption level " of each respondent's company, compared to their peers, to optimize the maintenance frequency, safety checks and performance of their plant's industrial valves.
Topics covered in the survey include:
- Valve Digitalization adoption levels and assessment in process plants
- Key valve-related downtime leading to production loss.
- Top concerns related to implementing valve digitalization techniques.
- Key goals and priorities of an organization for digital transformation
- Choice of valve digitalization enablers and preferred network in future greenfield projects
Who Should Take this Survey?
End-users and operators of industrial valves and valve automation solutions, both hardware and software, across engineering (controls, process, manufacturing, maintenance), as well as management (plant, maintenance, operations, quality), and CxO (quality, operations, IT).
Privacy and Confidentiality
This survey requests information about your own experiences and observations. ARC will keep all individual responses confidential, and only aggregate data will be used in any reports.
Benefits of Participating
ARC thanks you very much in advance for taking this survey and looks forward to sharing the results with you, once the report has been published.
Please contact Sandeep Mukunda at mailto:smukunda@arcweb.com if you have questions about this survey.
This survey can be found here: Industrial Valve Digitalization Assessment Survey