Ignition Discovery Day: Tools for the Digital Transformation Trade

Digital Transformation increases performance and efficiency, and reduces unplanned maintenance and downtime, thus leading to increased revenue and market share and, ultimately, increased profits. The convergence of operational and information technologies has been at the forefront of industry conversations for several years now, but how does this idea work in the real world? In order to take advantage of these new technologies, companies must bridge the OT-IT gap and feed IT infrastructures with data that is secure, easily consumable, and cost-effective. 

This seminar will describe how American Water and CHS have excelled in their Digital Transformation journeys by utilizing best-of-breed tools to implement an open-standard architecture solution.

Discover and learn more about:

  • The power and flexibility of the Ignition industrial application platform
  • How to accelerate innovation and efficiency within your organization
  • How to slash operational costs
  • How to improve executive decision-making through real-time access to data and information throughout the organization
  • How to develop and execute a comprehensive approach to achieve efficiency


  • Inductive Automation
  • Sepasoft
  • Cirrus Link Solutions
  • Opto 22
  • Streamline Control
  • Flexware Innovation


  • Kevin McClusky, Co-Director of Sales Engineering, Inductive Automation
  • Kent Melville, Sales Engineering Manager, Inductive Automation
  • Arlen Nipper, President and CTO, Cirrus Link Solutions
  • Jeff Fitch, MES / Batch Procedure Product Manager, Sepasoft
  • Benson Hougland, VP, Opto 22
  • Reese Tyson, Team Lead, Flexware Innovation
  • Adam Runyan, SCADA Technician, CHS
  • Jeremiah Hannley, CTO, Streamline Control

Location: Coral AB Ballroom

Thursday PM
S2d: 1 PM