Hydrogen Electrolyzers Market Update is ARC Advisory Group’s interview series that provides listeners an opportunity to hear from the analysts themselves about their most recent findings and key takeaways. For more than three decades, ARC has been recognized globally for its detailed market analyses and unrivaled accuracy. Producing a market research analysis requires an immense amount of effort, expertise, and attention to detail. Expect questions regarding scope, major trends, supplier landscapes, and much more.
In this market analysis report, we talk about hydrogen electrolyzers and specifically we are talking about the electrolyzers product itself, not so much the water purification system upstream or the compression and distribution system downstream. Some of the electrolyzers are kind of packaged, so we try to focus on the core electrolyzers.
It’s a very complicated landscape. There's a very large number of new electrolyzers manufacturers that are joining the market. There's a lot of government incentives, cooperative programs, demonstration units, and therefore there's a lot of new suppliers that want to get their foot in the door and be recognized as a potential supplier. It's also interesting to note that the majority of hydrogen electron electrolyzers manufacturing is occurring in China. There are several companies in Europe that maybe have sold electrolyzers and marketed them, but the actual manufacturing of those electrolyzers often is done in China. The other thing that's very interesting about this market is if you look at a number of the other market analysis and how they report the growth and CAGR of this market. The installed base of hydrogen electrolyzers between 2021 and 2023 tripled. That's a 300% CAGR.
Watch the entire interview here.
Rick is an expert process control engineer, familiar with instruments, valves, analyzers, control algorithms, safety systems, software development, and project management. Rick has worked in Chemical, Oil, Gas, Power Generation (including Fossil & Nuclear), Power T&D, Renewable energy, pharmaceutical, Paper and building automation areas.
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