This Selection Guide will allow companies going through a business process or IT outsourcing service provider selection process to make a quicker and better decision.
The Global Service Provider (GSP) selection guide includes both selection criteria and strategies for choosing a business process or IT outsourcing services provider. The scope of the criteria cover the needs of corporate IT and manufacturing IT including communications with control systems.
The pace of technology evolution continues to accelerate. Now, cloud, mobile, social, analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and 3D are impacting industrial concerns for improved business processes and enhanced business models. Technology adoption is not an option. Each of these major technology groupings involve multiple specific technical skills. GSPs have access to a diverse set of skills, and can map them into a project as needed for lower cost, less risk, and faster time to benefit.
GSP selection has become mission critical. The needed services include application and IT infrastructure development, roll-out, and maintenance. The companies have become complex and decision making involves a range of capabilities from specific technologies to managing major programs. Suppliers have specific domain expertise, geographical presence, and knowledge of certain industry dynamics.
ARC has been researching the GSP market for over decade and we know the issues for manufacturing and industrial organizations:
This ARC Selection Guide will help you select the best available global service provider to meet your needs now and in the future.
For more information on this technology guide or to discuss how we can help you, please contact us.