Energy Transition and Sustainability Market Opportunity Service

Author photo: Jim Frazer
ByJim Frazer

Globally, we are in a critical time of action on climate change. Energy transition and sustainability are now being woven into the core fabric of business strategies of industrial companies, particularly manufacturing, utility, and oil and gas organizations. Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) strategies are being defined and implemented to deal with a host of new regulations, corporate disclosure, and financial investment requirements.

As a solution provider, how do you lead through this disruption? ARC has a host of services and research to help position you for success.

For navigating the complexities of industrial markets our service combines ARC's expert use case analysis with our comprehensive robust database forming the cornerstone of our offering. This unique resource creates a powerful tool that provides fast, accurate ways for you identify the opportunities that exist in the market, as well as the context for how to pursue it. We provide in-depth insights and data so you can view opportunities by any combination of Industry Market Trend use Case Technology and geography. Our database is continuously updated ensuring you have access to the most current and relevant information.

Access to the data base is complimented with a number of specific services designed to your needs. Here are a few of those services.

Advisory Service

This service helps product line leaders and managers understand how to best develop, position, and deliver their solutions to technology end users. ARC’s lead analyst will help you understand the addressable market, buyer and influencer personas, and use cases critical to your solution. Benefits include:

  • Product line analysis and strategy development 

  • Messaging review

  • Solution roadmap and update briefings

  • Ad hoc analyst engagement on emerging market issues 

  • Press release support

Executive Advisory Service

Ideal for senior-level leaders needing strategic guidance on market opportunity identification, business trends, financial, and M&A implications. A dedicated, senior-level analyst ensures your company is positioned for success. Benefits include:

  • 1-1 strategy sessions

  • Ad hoc analyst engagement on emerging market issues 

  • Topically curated research

  • Public relations support

Competitive Intelligence Service

Improve your ability to gather, analyze, and use competitive intelligence to win in the market. ARC will help you understand the competitive landscape. Using publicly available information ARC will then provide a detailed analysis of your two most critical competitors. As your competition makes moves in the market, an ARC analyst will also help you understand what it means and how to best react to it.  Deliverables include:

  • One Study-as-a-Service of choice

  • Dedicated working sessions to identify key competitors 

  • ARC analysis of up to two companies


This video takes you through some flash points on the possibilities with ARC's robust, up-to-date data base. 

Watch on YouTube

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