The recently concluded ARC India Forum, Industry in Transition: Navigating the New Age of Innovation, included extensive discussions on the latest technologies and approaches for achieving enterprise-wide operational excellence. At the Forum, we heard from numerous experts from across the process, discrete and IT industries.
Speakers from OSIsoft, Ramanj Pamidi, Global Solutions Architect, and Dinesh K Ambalavanan, Customer Support Engineer, discussed the need for a real-time data infrastructure to drive digital transformation across user organizations. With the advent of more and more intelligence at the edge (of the network), we are seeing a manifold increase in both the generation and flow of data. It is critical to tap both the "seen and unseen tacit" data and leverage it to improve operations and business performance. This requires relevant and timely information to be easily accessible to personnel across the enterprise in real time, which further under-scores the need to treat data as an infrastructure.
However, the path to digital transformation is not without challenges. Users are likely to face issues on a variety of fronts ranging from collecting data from disparate systems and creating the necessary infrastructure for data management to contextualize and synchronize operations information with the business goals. As we learned, OSIsoft is geared to address these issues with its PI System solution installed in more than 19,000 sites worldwide, primarily across power & utilities, oil & gas, pulp & paper, chemical & petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and metals & mining industries.
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Keywords: Analytics, Big Data, Data Infrastructure, Integrated Business Processes, Operations Technology (OT), Operational Intelligence, OSIsoft, Time Series Data, ARC Advisory Group.