Defending Systems Against Sophisticated Attacks

Sophisticated cyber-attacks on industrial control systems have significantly increased in recent years.  Cyber criminals and rogue nation states continue to find ways to overcome conventional defenses.  Prudent companies anticipate eventual control system compromises and ensure that their cybersecurity programs include proactive management of known vulnerabilities and rapid detection/response for any suspicious activity.    

This session will begin with an ARC overview of the challenges and requirements for managing sophisticated attacks.  Following ARC's presentation, a panel of expert defenders will offer their insights and recommendations for what end users should be doing to manage the significant risks of sophisticated cyber-attacks.  The floor will then be opened for session attendees to share their thoughts and ideas. 

This information will be of benefit to owner-operators and suppliers of industrial cybersecurity solutions.      

Monday PM
S3: 2 PM Track 3 (Oceans 12)