Chris oversees all supply chain services Retail Business Services provides to the local brands of Ahold Delhaize USA, which operate some of the most extensive supply chain operations on the East Coast, including more than 1,000 trucks that travel more than 100 million miles annually and deliver over 1 billion cases to local brand stores. Chris is responsible for supply chain strategy, distribution, transportation, third party contracts, logistics, demand management, and supply chain continuous improvement. Prior to taking on this role, he was Senior Vice President of Supply Chain for Delhaize America, where he oversaw the company’s distribution centers, transportation, logistics and demand management teams. With a 30-year tenure with Ahold Delhaize USA companies, Chris began his career in distribution at Hannaford, was selected as the first distribution leadership trainee, and went on to serve in numerous roles including Retail Operations Director, Vice President of IT Architecture, Vice President of Applications, and SVP of Supply Chain.