AspenTech Workshop: Zeroing in on Process Health: How to Increase Availability by 20+% in 3 Months with APM

Predicting failures in major assets is a key element of planning maintenance, but what is the impact of process health issues such as fouling?  What if manufacturers could not only predict these issues, but also understand what adjustments to make to the process to prevent them and optimize production?  With the right tools, it’s possible to increase the availability of your critical assets by more than 20% — using your existing process data.  In this workshop, we will share success stories of end users that have increased availability, eliminated lag times in their processes, and reduced energy losses in just a few short months.  Join us to learn how to use APM 4.0 solutions to prepare for the unknowns of the post-pandemic world, while also realizing significant near-term benefits.

Lunch: 1:45 PM Track 1 (Oceans 6&8)