ARC Smart Cities Planning Workshop

This workshop is intended to educate end users, engineers, and others on systems engineering best practices for smart cities.  This standards workshop, based upon IEEE P2784, provides a framework that outlines technologies and the processes for planning the evolution of a smart city.  Smart cities and related solutions require technology standards and a cohesive process planning framework for the use of the internet of things to ensure interoperable, agile, and scalable solutions that are able to be implemented and maintained in a sustainable manner.  This framework provides a methodology for municipalities and technology integrators to use as a tool to plan for innovative and technology solutions for smart cities.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What Human Factors Impact a Smart City
  • What Are the Nine Applications That Must Be Considered
  • What Seven Technologies Drive Those Applications
  • How to Identify Stakeholder Communities
  • What Stakeholder Communities Must Be Included
  • How to Document Needs of the Communities
  • How to Build a List of Consensus-Based Needs
  • How to Refine Consensus-Based Needs into Measurable Functional Requirements
  • How to Develop a Request for Information (RFI) and Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • How to Develop and Implement Test Plans to Keep You on Track
  • How to Manage Smart City Projects Over Their Entire Lifecycle
Thursday PM
S2d: 1 PM Track 3 (Oceans 12)