Welcome to the ARC Industrial Digital Transformation Top 25 report page. Here you can download and read ARC’s annual Digital Transformation Top 25 reports.
Digital transformation leaders, across many different industries, share common traits and visions, helping them overcome complex challenges to innovate and stay agile. Industrial innovation continues to accelerate, and leading companies have their transformation initiatives well underway. For those who succeed, the result is a competitive advantage, even during the most difficult global times. Who are the real leaders in digital transformation? What makes them so? The ARC industrial digital transformation top 25 highlights companies that are succeeding at integrating digital technology into all areas of business, fundamentally changing the way they operate and deliver value to their customers.
What Do Leaders Know That Others Have Yet to Discover About Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation leaders can be found across many different industries, sharing common traits and visions, helping them overcome complex challenges to innovate and stay agile. The companies mentioned in this report not only have their transformation initiatives well underway, but they also have their eye to the future tackling the next set of challenges on their journey. What do these leaders know that others have yet to discover?
They understand transformation does not occur in a straight line and there is no universal recipe for success, but successful companies do share common traits enabling them to be more successful than others. Several key trends were identified: importance of sustainability, actively seeking to scale solutions in multiple dimensions, benefits of focus and prioritization, empowering the operational front line, recognition that culture change is required, and active outreach to others.
ARCs second annual Industrial Digital Transformation Top 25 report continues to highlight companies that are succeeding at integrating digital technology into all areas of business, fundamentally changing the way they operate and deliver value to customers. Based on a rigorous process using financial indicators, transformation indicators, and collective community intelligence, this report identifies and ranks leaders in this complex space. To access the report, please fill out the fields below and you will then receive an email to download the report (please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email):