Andreas Schüller

Andreas Schüller
Key Expert, Automation Technology

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schüller received his doctorate from the Chair of Process Control Engineering at RWTH Aachen University on the subject of procedure modeling and was subsequently employed as a I&C planner at YNCORIS GmbH & Co. KG (formerly InfraServ GmbH & Co. Knapsack KG). He is currently employed there as a Key Expert in Automation Technology. His work in I&C planning focuses on functional safety and explosion protection. In addition, he is in charge of the strategic further development of an integrated engineering tool in YNCORIS engineering. He is supporting the digitizing strategy of YNCORIS. In NAMUR, he leads the working group 1.3 "Information Management and Tools" and participates in the working group 1.4 "Asset Administration Shell".