Albert has been involved with process, industrial, and building control programs operating on main frame computers to today’s personal computers and hand held devices. In his current position, he is responsible for energy use from point of extraction to end use utilization at the room level including energy procurement, hedging of fuel sources, and production and distribution of steam, electricity, chilled water, potable water, sanitary, and storm sewers. Beyond production and distribution, the department manages all campus building automation systems for over 17 million GSF in house commissioning and retro-commissioning, a recurring energy conservation budget, and a multi-million dollar rolling five year CapEx infrastructure plan with 20 year asset planning horizon. Albert also participates as a major stakeholder on the Campus Master Plan committee and the University’s Sustainability Strategic Plan. Previously he worked for international consulting firms, owned and operated his own businesses, and the last 17 years in the facilities field of higher education/university.