Medline is the Largest User of the AutoStore Robotics Solution in the World

2 months 2 weeks ago

AutoStore has a lot of buzz surrounding it. This public company (OSE:AUTO) headquartered in Norway achieved revenues of nearly $650 million in less than 20 years. The company continued to grow during COVID even as the industry shrank. And their revenues don’t include services – they work through system integration partners. Medline was the first […]

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Steve Banker

This Week in Logistics News (March 2 – 8)

2 months 2 weeks ago

Spring Forward! This weekend is Daylight Savings, or as the parent of any young child calls it, “one of the worst weekends ever.” Daylight savings (DST) is the practice of advancing clocks to make better use of the longer daylight available during summer, so that darkness falls at a later clock time. It is a […]

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Chris Cunnane

Labor Shortages in Supply Chain & Logistics: They’re Not Subsiding

2 months 2 weeks ago

With economies cooling and COVID more manageable, the general thinking has been that companies would see the workforce shortages of the past few years subside; however, this does not appear to be the case. Post-pandemic, organizations are still struggling with labor shortages, as well as knowledge workers and the leaders they need to thrive. In […]

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Chris Jones

Achieving Grid Reliability with Renewables

2 months 3 weeks ago

The energy transition is driven by the goal to decarbonize the energy used for transportation, buildings, and industry. Lacking a low-cost way of removing greenhouse gases from the air, the solution is to electrify as much as possible with clean power. In 1990, coal accounted for 54.6 percent of the total electricity generated in the […]

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Rick Rys

Infor Nexus is Taking an Interesting Approach to Generative AI

2 months 3 weeks ago

IBM’s Institute for Business Value found that 75% of CEOs believe generative AI will be key to competitive advantage. However, in the supply chain realm, despite the rhetoric, the current use cases for generative AI are limited. At supply chain and enterprise application conferences, software companies have talked about using generative AI to create user […]

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Steve Banker

This Week n Logistics News (February 24 – March 1)

2 months 3 weeks ago

Yesterday was February 29th, meaning that 2024 is a Leap Year and yesterday was Leap Day. Leap years exist because while the world follows a 365-day Gregorian calendar, it actually takes Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to orbit the sun, according to NASA. While that is rounded down to the […]

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Chris Cunnane

Companies Cannot Transform Through AI Alone

2 months 3 weeks ago

UPS dominated business and trade headlines for a day in late January when the world’s largest package delivery company announced plans to cut 12,000 full- and part-time management jobs as part of a new initiative called “Fit to Serve.” What stood out even more was the “subhead” of UPS’ announcement. As reported by The Wall […]

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Mathew Elenjickal

The Advantage of Speed: The Cooper Health Supply Chain Relies Upon Real-time Risk Alerts

3 months ago

Cooper University Health Care, like most companies, struggled with their supply chain during COVID. Cooper successfully coped with the crisis, but the high costs they had to pay for critical supplies and the late nights searching for those supplies convinced the organization that there had to be a better way. The company bought a risk […]

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Steve Banker

This Week in Supply Chain News (February 19 – 23)

3 months ago

This Monday was President’s Day. President Biden’s Oval Office has both a portrait and a bust of Abraham Lincoln. But his family’s connection to the 16th president extends back to the Civil War. On March 21, 1864, an ancestor of Biden got in a knife fight with another man in a Union military encampment. Biden’s […]

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Steve Banker

Open Sky Kaleidoscope: Connecting the Dots

3 months ago

A few weeks ago, I sat down to speak with Mike Noble, SVP of Technology and Jonathan Mitchell, Director of Software Services at Open Sky Group. In this conversation, we discussed seeing your supply chain through a new lens, and how this can help to achieve improved visibility. Specifically, I asked Mile and Jonathan to […]

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Chris Cunnane

Resilience by Design: The Power of Simulation in Supply Chain Strategy

3 months 1 week ago

Supply chain network design (SCND) is a powerful tool for improving business operations. Optimization and simulation are the two main branches of SCND. Optimization accounts for over 90% of all work that is being done by SCND teams. It can be used to solve a wide variety of supply chain problems. But it has gaps. […]

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Marianna Vydrevich

20 Years of Outsourcing Come Back to Haunt Boeing

3 months 1 week ago

For 20 years, Boeing has engaged in collaborative product development with a significant number of suppliers. The outsourced R&D, in turn, supported outsourced manufacturing with over 50 key suppliers. These suppliers, in turn, outsourced various parts of the modules they produced to their suppliers. Historically, Boeing was vertically integrated – the great majority of product […]

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Steve Banker

This Week in Logistics News (February 10 – 16)

3 months 1 week ago

Wednesday, February 14 was Valentine’s Day. And according to the National Retail Federation, the holiday returned to its romantic traditions, with total spending on significant others for the holiday expected to reach a record $14.2 billion (the actual numbers won’t be available for a few weeks). Over half of consumers (53 percent) plan to celebrate […]

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Chris Cunnane

2024: Planning for Success Amid the Uncertainty

3 months 1 week ago

It’s human nature to want to start a new year with new goals—the ever-present new year’s resolutions. Typically, we make it at least one month into the new year before we have to revise our plans. However, it’s only early February 2024, and we already have several major disruptions impacting supply chains. As Alan Amling […]

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Marisa Brown,

5G Holds Great Promise Across the Supply Chain, but Challenges Remain

3 months 2 weeks ago

5G promises high bandwidth, low latency, and massive IoT device connectivity. For industry, the ability to better connect machines, objects, and devices is what is driving excitement for this technology. Patrick Arnold, a research analyst at ARC Advisory Group, says that suppliers of industrial solutions are responding by investing in new product design and incorporating […]

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Steve Banker

This Week in Logistics News (February 3 – 9)

3 months 2 weeks ago

With two young daughters who undeniably identify as Swifties, the football playoffs have become a big deal in our house. While they both generally enjoy watching football, things get a lot more interesting when the Chiefs are playing. My youngest daughter just yells for them to throw the ball to Travis Kelce on every play […]

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Chris Cunnane

4 Ways to Enhance Warehouse Efficiency with Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics

3 months 2 weeks ago

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, optimizing warehouse operations is crucial for achieving operational efficiency. Predictive and prescriptive analytics have emerged as valuable tools that enable warehouse operations managers to streamline processes, minimize costs, and enhance productivity. While predictive analytics seeks to answer questions such as “what might happen in the future,” prescriptive analytics […]

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Rob Mitchell

Energy Transition in Supply Chain

3 months 2 weeks ago

Supply chain sustainability has become a very hot topic, but for a lot of people, there is uncertainty around its meaning. Now, more than ever, companies and countries are looking at their overall carbon footprint and trying to establish a path to be more environmentally friendly. A few ways companies can begin to offset their […]

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Chris Cunnane
1 hour 40 minutes ago
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