The Wireless Devices in Process Manufacturing guide is designed to help process manufacturing organizations make informed choices when selecting wireless devices. It includes both selection criteria and strategies for choosing the correct wireless device technology and supplier.
Wireless devices for the process industry play a pivotal role in the connectivity-enabled business improvement strategies of the future. The prospect of adding wireless devices to the process automation architecture is compelling due to the potential for tangible business benefits and incremental operational improvements. Process industry manufacturers are becoming increasingly aware of how wireless technology can help them improve process performance, reliability, and efficiency, and ease conformance with government mandates.
Escalating use in these and other segments continues to drive new product configurations, new supplier entries, and overall expansion beyond the traditional industrial base. Potential Industrial wireless device buyers need a sound roadmap to guide them through the maze of new technology options.
Extracted from ARC’s most recent Wireless Devices in Process Manufacturing market update, and drawing on our years of wireless market coverage, this guide will reduce your RFP development time and provide a sound foundation for expediting your product and supplier selection process.
The profile definition for industrial wireless devices has the potential to evolve drastically over the coming years. This selection guide highlights key issues, such as:
For more information on this technology guide or to discuss how we can help you, please contact us.