Stratus Workshop: Rationalizing Cost, Payback, and Criticality of Edge Computing for Industry 4.0 Automation Initiatives

Edge Computing is fundamental for achieving desired outcomes of digital transformation, but IT and OT leaders face the challenge of which projects to prioritize during COVID - and beyond.  Rationalizing cost, payback, and criticality of Edge Computing for Industry 4.0 initiatives is front and center.  With these imperatives in mind, Stratus will share third-party research and customer use cases to share approaches to standardize Edge Computing - and deliver ROI - in automation initiatives that increase efficiency, safety, and profitability. 

Hear from Streamline Innovations and Rubberlite as they show how and why establishing an automation standard will help your team increase profitability through the next 6 – 12 months.  

Join our workshop and walk away with:

  • Insight into why IT and OT leaders are prioritizing standardization of Edge Computing for their automation practices
  • Third party validated research on the ROI of Edge Computing
  • Modern use cases highlighting edge computing for automation initiatives
Lunch: 1:45 PM Track 1 (Oceans 6&8)