In order to address growing opportunities in urbanization and industrialization in Asia, Siemens is setting up a Digitalization Hub in Singapore. The Hub, which was officially inaugurated at parallel events in Singapore and at Siemens' headquarters in Munich on July 11, and is the first of its type for the company worldwide, will develop innovations for IoT and Industry 4.0 in collaboration with customers in Southeast Asia. Siemens’ IoT operating system MindSphere will be the central platform for development work at the new Digitalization Hub.
Starting with 60 specialists from a variety of disciplines, the Hub team is expected to grow to 300 by the year 2022. It will bring together data scientists, solution architects, software engineers, system experts and domain specialists from the urban infrastructure, industrial and healthcare sectors. They will develop, test, and commercialize innovations and future-ready digital solutions. The key target areas for the Hub are urban infrastructure, advanced manufacturing and healthcare.
According to Joe Kaeser, CEO, Siemens, who officiated at the Munich part of the launch together with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore was selected as the location for the Hub because of its distinctively advanced industrial and urban infrastructure development, and the government’s Smart Nation thrust to enable a digital economy. The Smart Nation initiative, launched in 2014, aims to create a digitally networked environment that will enhance the quality of life throughout the country.
To mark the launch of the Digitalization Hub, three collaboration agreements were signed with Singapore organizations SP Group, ST Electronics, and NTU Singapore.
SP Group, Singapore's transmission and distribution utility, will collaborate with Siemens to build a next-generation energy management software platform for its 24/7 control centers, to enable more robust planning, surveillance and predictive maintenance of Singapore's electricity network. They will also create a multi-energy urban microgrid solution to help consumers save energy and cost.
ST Electronics and Siemens will co-create digital use cases in the field of transportation, including roads, harbors, airports and mass transit. The focus is on applications and solutions for connectivity, cybersecurity, data convergence, analytics and contextualization. These applications will use MindSphere to enable expansion into further market segments.
And Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) will partner with Siemens to create and showcase data-driven innovations for urban infrastructure, such as innovative mobility solutions based on self-driving vehicles, and advanced data analytics for optimizing the performance of green buildings.