Siemens commissioned India’s first condensate throttling-based Primary Frequency Control Solution at National Capital Power Station (NCPS), NTPC Dadri (Stage 2, Unit 6). Condensate throttling, based on Siemens’ SPPA-P3000 Frequency Control Solution, is used for immediate generation of additional power for frequency control. The principle of condensate throttling is that the turbine control system opens the governor valves to utilize the reserve steam storage capacity of the boiler. When additional power is needed, the condensate flow is reduced, usually by throttling of the condensate control valve.
Given the government’s commendable progress on electrifying India by programs such as “Power for all” by 2022, India is witnessing unprecedented increase in renewable energy being fed to the grid. Due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, the coal-fired power plants, which constitute around 59 percent of India’s installed generation capacity, are required to be highly flexible to balance the power grids. In the current regime of renewable energy integration into the power grid, condensate throttling technology provides flexibility to the thermal power plant unit.
Keywords: Siemens, NTPC, Condensate Throttling, Renewable Energy, Power Grid, ARC Advisory Group.