Sharul has more than 30 years of experience in handling instrumentation and control issues in oil & gas, gas liquefaction and petrochemical plants including pipeline transmission network. Sharul advises not only within his Group Technical Solution but also plant Petronas-wide on instrumentation and control issues. He is involved as an instrumentation expert in many key Petronas projects, e.g., Kertih Compressor Station, Peninsular Gas Utilization metering stations, and MLNG Satu Rejuvenation and MLNG Dua Debottlenecking. Sharul is the President of International Society of Automation (ISA), Malaysia Section. He is co-chair Certification Work-Group (CWG) of the Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF) and), Vice-Chair IASSC (Instrument Automation Standards Subcommittee) for IOGP, Vice-Chair Digital Connected Society (Malaysia) and co-Steering Committee member of JIP33 (IOGP) (International Oil & Gas Producer. Additionally, he is voting member for ISA-75 (Actuated Valve) and IEC TC/S/15 for Smart Manufacturing.