With over with 20 years of finance and systems experience at FHR and other Koch affiliates, Scott is responsible for the technology needs of the leveraged applications that support and run FHR’s more than 40 operating facilities. In his previous role, he was the Director of Automation & Technology for FHR, where he led a team focused on educating FHR’s employees on automation and technology opportunities within their organizations, as well as provided initial technical support skills to capture those opportunities. His views on automation and modernization have been published in articles in Skyscapes (KSCPA Newsletter), the Journal of Accountancy, kochnews.com and other Koch company-related publications. He has participated in a variety of panels and professional conferences to discuss and debate various approaches to starting up and executing robotic process automation capabilities. He has also held various accounting and finance roles within Koch over the past 20 years including Operations Controller for multiple FHR businesses and the Corporate Controller for FHR.