Do you really know how well your plants or businesses are performing? Are you achieving manufacturing excellence and world-class performance? In order to evaluate how your plants are performing, you first have to understand what the plants are capable of achieving.
Too often this analysis turns technology-focused before it should. While the ultimate solution to an under performing plant might be to add or upgrade technology used to operate it, it is important to first understand 'as-is' and potential performance in a context that will allow investment decisions to be made.
Chances are that your enterprise has more than one production facility. Each has a performance goal for which they were designed to achieve. Some may appear to be performing better than others. Even the ones that are performing well may have opportunities to perform better. Where should you invest? ARC's plant performance assessment services can help improve the performance of all of your plants.
Plant or Asset Maximum Capability Assessment
Having a current assessment of your production assets in potential investment terms should be part of your overall corporate governance program. The capital investment required to move a production asset from its current state toward its maximum capability is also needed. Knowing, for example, what the maximum asset capability of each production process as well as the investment needed to move the process there will allow you to make well informed business decisions.
ARC's plant performance assessment services are designed to do just that - provide you with fact-based analysis that will allow you to execute your business strategy for business improvement. Contact us for more information.
How Can ARC Help?
For more information on how ARC can help you, please contact us.
ARC offers a wide range of consulting services, see more at Consulting Services for Technology Users