Peter is a member of Dow’s Executive Leadership Team responsible for executing the company strategy, the Operations Team accountable for the company’s productivity and performance, and the Operations Leadership Team responsible for leading Dow’s global manufacturing and engineering organization worldwide. Peter joined Dow in 1987 in Stade, Germany, holding a variety of roles. In 1997, he obtained responsibility for leading the Dow King's Lynn manufacturing site in the UK. Shortly thereafter, he became the production leader for the Aromatic Derivatives Complex in Terneuzen, The Netherlands. Ensuing roles prior to his current position include Business Director for Europe, Middle East and Latin America; Site Leader of Dow Terneuzen; Global Manufacturing Vice President of Hydrocarbons; Vice President of Manufacturing & Engineering for Europe, Middle East & Africa; Vice President of Operations for Europe, Middle East and Africa; and Corporate Vice President of Manufacturing and Engineering and Environment, Health & Safety Operations.