The ARC Industry Forum Europe 2021, “Accelerating Digital Transformation in a Post-COVID World”, was held as a virtual event due to the ongoing epidemic. The digital event attracted participants from all sectors of industrial production. In this series of blogs, we are presenting highlights from our Forum.
You would like to watch a session again or missed one? The presentation and panel discussion videos are now available on the ARC hosting platform, ARC Industry Forum Europe 2021 (vfairs.com), until August 19 by clicking on “Presentations”. Furthermore, you can still visit sponsor booths by clicking on “Exhibit Hall”. ARC and Sponsors have also uploaded valuable videos and reports on this platform for you to add to your “vfairs briefcase”. If did not attended the ARC Industry Forum in May, you can still register on the platform.
The session on operations management was held in cooperation with MESA Europe. Uwe Kueppers, Chairman of MESA Europe, kicked off the session with a presentation about the new needs for governance for smart manufacturing and digitalization. He emphasized a human-centric approach and recommended self-directing agile teams to maximize human effectiveness alongside attention for culture and change management.
Representatives of two food and beverage producers spoke about their operations management initiatives. Mette Marie Løkke from Denmark’s Arla Foods informed the participants about a manufacturing excellence approach supported by manufacturing-oriented intelligence tools. Among others Arla uses charts created in ‘Focus EMI and Quality Analyst’ by NorthWest Analytics.
Ilse Gravett-Hulzer, transformation manager at RCL Foods in South Africa talked about resilience in foods supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic, both by going back to basics and by applying new tools and techniques. The peaks and fast changes in demand create strong oscillations through the supply chains, in particular if just-in-time optimization approaches have taken out part of their elasticity. Human resilience was identified a very substantial part of overall supply chain resilience.
The presentations were followed by a panel discussion that focused on success factors in the human realm. The discussion included the speakers and Peter Guilfoyle, CEO of NorthWest Analytics. It was moderated by Michel Devos, MESA EMEA, and Valentijn de Leeuw, ARC Europe.
We would like to thank all 5G experts, panelists, and presenters of the " Digitalization and the Required New Governance of MES/MOM Projects in 2021" session at ARC Advisory Group European Industry Forum 2021. And a special thanks to all our sponsors: Global sponsor: Siemens; Gold sponsors: ANDRITZ and OPC Foundation; and Silver sponsors: Capgemini, CC-Link, Optimistik Orange Cyberdefense, PHOENIX CONTACT, and RapidMiner.
Presentations and panel discussion videos are available until August 19 for you to watch at your convenience. We encourage you and your colleagues to login or register and watch the recordings on our platform: ARC Industry Forum Europe 2021 (vfairs.com).