ARC’s European Industry Forum is part of our successful series of worldwide conferences in Europe, America and Asia. The next European Forum will be held in Sitges (Barcelona), Spain on May 6-8, 2024 and focus on “Managing Digital Transformation in the Age of AI, Open Architectures, and Sustainability”. Participants are invited to attend exclusive presentations and workshops on strategies and case studies from the digital front lines.
ARC industry analysts and other experts from the end user and supplier communities will analyze and discuss trends and drivers for hot industry topics, such as:
Open Process Automation Forum: Moving from concept to reality
This session in the form of a workshop will be conducted by the Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF), a Forum of the Open Group, and it will give the opportunity to the players in the OPA ecosystem, such as system and component providers, software providers and integrators to show results, share experiences and answer questions from the audience.
Open Process Automation: Testimonials and Views From The User Community
This session will be conducted by ARC and has a classical session format with user presentations followed by panel discussion. Adopters will provide status reports on their lab tests, pilot projects and field tests. The Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF) will provide an overall status report and Cargill will share their experience with and RFP process for an OPA-S-compliant system. Further presentations will be announced. The session will be concluded with Q&A and discussions.
ARC’s European Industry Forum
Join us at ARC’s European Industry Forum to speed up your digitalization and sustainability initiatives with strategies and use cases from which technology end users and suppliers will benefit alike. Discover what your peers and industry leaders are doing today and what steps they are taking to prepare for the future.
For more information about attending, speaking, and sponsoring, please contact Ann-Kathrin Blech (ablech@arcweb.com).