With dog-years of experience as an industry executive, Mike’s background includes pulp and paper with Mead and Georgia-Pacific (GP), robotics and software as Deputy Chairman and CEO of UK based Shepard Ltd., and construction and building products as co-owner of Atlanta based McTech Group, a company serving fortune 500 companies including Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, Kroger, and others. In 2010, Mike left retirement to join GP as VP Innovation, where the MBM® philosophy and Mike’s mindset of innovation were in alignment. In 2019, he was named Innovator of the Year by ASPI, the Association of Suppliers to the Paper Industry. He also received the 2020 Visionary of the Year award from Smart Industry Magazine. He is involved in numerous innovations and transformations across GP and Koch Industries, and continues to be a frequent featured keynote speaker at industrial and manufacturing events around the world. He is recognized for his knowledge and experience in leadership, innovation, organizational transformation, and intellectual honesty.