L&T Technology Services Workshop: How to Solve the Scalability and ROI Problem of Industry 4.0?

Love it or hate, all of us have jumped on to the digitalization bandwagon.  That said, how is digitalization treating you?  Are you getting optimal ROI results from your investments or is your organization still grappling with resistance to a cultural shift?  Industry 4.0 is defining the rise of smart enterprise giving a competitive edge to those who embrace it.  But many organizations are limiting digital transformation to a few use cases, unable to scale with certainty.  Join this session to benchmark your Industry 4.0 journey with industry peers and demystify the scalability and ROI challenge.

  • Learn about Industry 4.NOW approach – a new perspective to scale digital
  • The convergence of technology, humans, and right business case
  • How to drive ROI, Scalability, Roadmap, and Human centric investments
  • Applying Design Thinking and Innovation
  • Few reference cases
    • Asset Reliability Centre
    • Energy Manager
Tuesday PM
S2d: 1 PM Track 5 (Oceans 10)