Principal Consultant
Janice is a consultant and lead analyst in the areas of enterprise manufacturing intelligence (MES)/ manufacturing execution systems (MOM), operational historians/industrial data operational platforms and more. She is also helping companies with digital transformation and digital changes.
Janice has done extensive research and consulting on automation technologies spanning the entire spectrum of process and manufacturing industries. Her experience includes over 30 years of helping both suppliers and end-user clients develop strategic plans to market, adopt, and use technologies. She has been doing research and consulting for the chemical, oil & gas, pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical, consumer products, medical devices, and other industries throughout most of her professional career. At ARC her technology focus is on operational data, data platforms, manufacturing execution systems, AR/VR, digital twins, advanced operational analytics, and other technologies.
Janice is a frequent presenter at ARC and other conferences and has authored numerous articles throughout her career.
Prior to joining ARC, she was the Director of Pharmaceutical Industry Marketing at The Foxboro Company, Validation Technologies, and Invensys (now Schneider-Electric).
Recent Presentations
DT & Operationalizing Data: All about the Data, ARC Forum Americas Presentation, Feb. 2023
Factory of the Future is Now, ARC Forum Americas Presentation, June 8, 2022
Future of the Data Historian Webinar with AspenTech Webinar, May 24, 2022
Genentech’s Journey to Drive Rapid Data Investigation & Improved Decision-Making Webinar, June 2021
Covid -19 Impact for Industrial Manufacturers Survey, ARC Advisory Group Strategy Report, June 2020
Digital Transformation and Smart Manufacturing,” OSIsoft User Conference 2019
"Transforming Data into Value," ARC Orlando Forum, 2019
“Digitization and Smart Manufacturing,” ARC Orlando Forum 2019
“Real-time Data Design Considerations,” ARC Orlando Forum 2019
“The Value from Data,” ARC Orlando Forum, 2018
“Manufacturing Execution Systems Market,” Webinar, Aspentech, 2018
“Digitizing Analytics from Bots to Artificial Intelligence,” ARC Orlando Forum 2018
“IT/OT Convergence,” ARC Orlando Forum, 2018
“ROI and Operational Analytics,” ARC Orlando Forum, 2017
“Operational Analytics: Future is Now,” ARC Orlando Forum, 2017
“Supply Chain Analytics and the Digital Transformation,” ARC Orlando Forum 2017
"Operational and Logistics Intelligence: The Future is Now", OSIsoft User Conference, 2016
"Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI): The Future is now," ARC Orlando Forum, 2016
"The Future is now: Analytics & Visualization," ARC Orlando Forum, 2016
"Catch a Cloud," OSIsoft User Conference, 2015
"Manufacturing Intelligence and ROI," ISA North Carolina, 2014
"Can Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence Make You Smarter?" ARC Worldwide Orlando Forum Presentation, 2014
"Operator Training Simulators Make You Smarter," ARC Worldwide Forum Presentation, 2014